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The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday October 20, 2011 in meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street Newtown, CT. 06470
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Kathleen Quinn at 7:05p.m.
PRESENT: Kathleen Quinn, Dan Holmes, Fred Hurley, Joseph Borst & Barbara Toomey
ABSENT: Sarah Hemingway, Desiree Galassi, Ben Roberts
Communications:         Mr. Holmes stated that he had attended the Green Market Expo hosted by Bridgeport earlier in the day.  Mr. Holmes brought a few flyers back from the expo and thought they could be inserts to go with tax bills in the future.
Mr. Holmes stated that he had received an email from Park & Recreation Director Amy Mangold and C.H. Booth Library Director Janet Woycik regarding LED lights on the Christmas Tree at Rams Pasture.  Stan Perrone of Kesco Electric has offered to get pricing from and Ms. Quinn stated that she’d look into how much is available from the Sustainable Energy account to spend.
In other updates, Ms. Quinn stated that she attended the Northwest Conservation District in which the Newtown Sustainable Energy Commission received an award for most renewable energy sign-ups (408 sign-ups or 4.7%) which is most in district with most increase within past year.  (Attach. A)
Ms. Quinn showed the commission an electricity consumption meter that she suggested might be useful to that public on loan through Newtown’s C.H. Booth Library.
Acceptance of Minutes – September 15, 2011:
Mr. Borst moved to accept the minutes as submitted.  Mr. Holmes seconded motion. All were in favor.

Old Business:
Middle School/Reed Roof
Mr. Holmes stated that he met with Finance Director Bob Tait regarding transferring information between projects.  Mr. Tait put the item on the CIP agenda.   Mr. Hurley stated that the best thing would be to make the project crystal clear but at least the process is started for the CIP.
Sewer Treatment Facility
Mr. Hurley stated that the solar panels have come in and installation has begun, their placement has changed thus increasing output (is now higher than expected).  Mr. Hurley also stated that the Towns return on investment is projected under ten years based on financial analysis.

Mr. Hurley stated that November 4th is the review with consultants on RFP. Will be the last informational session before going public.
Renewable Energy Sign-ups
Ms. Quinn stated that before going to the Chamber of Commerce she was going to look into what the options are as far as monitoring (electricity) usage.
Transition Movement
Ms. Toomey stated that she was working on the possibility of getting a project going with one of the Newtown Schools. Ms. Toomey felt it’d be important to spark the interest of kids on the issue of sustainable energy.  She also had a meeting with Ben Roberts & Andrew Mangold on how to get more involvement.
Project Financing
As discussed with Bob Tait / CIP.

In other updates Mr. Hurley stated that the Boggs Hill project is moving along.  There is a possibility that the road may re-open the first week of November.  The next project slated is Hanover Road (the railroad bridge) to start November  1st.
New Business
Ms. Quinn presented the commission with Home Energy Solutions through CL&P (Attach. B).  The program is income eligibility based. Ms. Quinn suggested putting information on bulletin board with sign-ups, at Social Services office and even with the Tax Collectors office as they offer a elderly benefit information may be offered at the same time as an application is taken (which is also income based).
Ms. Quinn also stated that she will be completing the Annual Report.

Having no further business, Mr. Borst moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Sustainable Energy Commission at 8:15p.m. Ms. Toomey seconded motion.  All were in favor.
Next meeting scheduled for November 17,2011
Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk